Yamaha SMT Service
As impressive as our Yamaha SMT product range may be, at Trans-Tec we know that supplying equipment is only the beginning of the story. That’s why we provide the most comprehensive SMT customer service package available to ensure the smooth day-to-day running of your operations.
Our primary concern is
client satisfaction.
To achieve total customer satisfaction, Trans-Tec America is committed to a policy of continuously updating, expanding and developing the range of products we represent. We also provide ongoing staff training and recruitment programs to ensure that we consistently provide the highest levels of services possible.
Highly responsive SMT Spare Parts Service, supporting all Yamaha SMT and Yamaha OEM brands including Assembléon and others.
Trans-Tec America is the leading provider of spare parts service for Yamaha SMT equipment, including Assembléon branded equipment.
With over $1,000,000 USD in warehoused spare parts inventory supported by a network of technicians and service sites throughout the United States and Mexico, Trans-Tec’s SMT Spare Parts Service ensures highly competitive delivery times (usually within one business day) minimizing your down time and maximizing your productivity.
With global and regional networks of certified SMT maintenance engineers throughout the U.S., Mexico and Canada, Trans-Tec provides Yamaha SMT Equipment Maintenance Services on-site and on-demand.
Trans-Tec America provides on-site repairs and maintenance for all Yamaha and Asembléon-branded SMT equipment.
Our Yamaha-certified service engineers are located throughout North America to ensure efficient service. Simply contact Trans-Tec America’s service headquarters online or by phone and we can dispatch SMT repair specialists to get your systems up and running with minimal downtime.
Whether you are training new SMT equipment operators, providing updates for new components, or looking to improve your internal efficiencies, Trans-Tec offers comprehensive training for all Yamaha SMT products.
A skilled team of SMT operators is critical to maintaining optimal performance of your SMT assembly lines with minimal downtime. Trans-Tec America offers the following training programs for all Yamaha SMT products to ensure that your SMT engineers and maintenance staff maintain the skills your company needs to ensure the efficient and dependable performance of your SMT assembly lines.
Trans-Tec has invested over $1,000,000 USD in Technology Centers that feature operational equipment for test runs and analysis. This investment gives our customers real-time proof of concept and usable data for your informed SMT buying decision.
Trans-Tec’s total commitment to meeting the needs of our clients has led to the development of an unrivalled package of products and services, including development of 5 Trans-Tec Technology Centers around the globe representing an investment of over $1,000,000 USD.
SMT is a highly competitive industry where getting the most out of your capital investment is critical to your success. While diligent and effective, in-house operators rarely have the benefit of dozens or hundreds of annual site visits that can give perspective to a given challenge. Trans-Tec’s Optimization Advisory Service enables our clients to leverage our collective years of field experience to get the most out of your equipment.
Trans-Tec America offers SMT Assembly Line Optimization services designed to help our customers maximize the performance and output of their Yamaha SMT equipment. SMT optimization advisory can also be combined with SMT Operator Certification programs and on-site SMT maintenance and repair services to set up a one-stop service to get your assembly lines running at optimal capacity and keep them there.
Contact us.
Corporate US Headquarters
Trans-Tec America LLC
7301 W. Boston Street
Chandler, AZ 85226
Sales Inquiries
Service Inquiries